After the heart stops beating, the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, causing neurons to die within three to seven minutes, but that doesn't mean the whole human body is already dead!
Some bodily processes, like digestion for example, are continued by bacteria that seem to survive whether the body dies or not!
Some parts of the human body continue to function and survive for varying lengths of time, even though the death has been officially announced and the heart has stopped beating.
8 organs in the human body remain alive after death!
1-skin cells
Believe it or not, your skin continues to live for a short time after your death. On the other hand, the organs inside your body are not as lucky, which is why transplant surgeons must remove kidneys, livers and hearts from donors within 30 minutes of death and introduce them to recipients within six hours.
Skin cells, meanwhile, live longer. Parts of it can still be transplanted if taken 12 hours after death.
2-hair and nails
Your hair and nails can grow long after you die. But there is a reason for this that has nothing to do with your body actually producing more hair.
Since the length of hair and nails is not related to the work of the cells that produce them, but the reason is that the skin begins to shrink due to the decrease in moisture, which makes the hair and nails appear longer.
For this reason, it seems that the beard lengthens after the death of men in particular, as the skin of the face dries up, which increases the appearance of facial hair, especially the beard.
3-Some functions of the human body continue to function after death
As strange as that may sound, urination and bowel movements continue to function after a person dies.
The bladder empties itself after the heartbeat stops, and the colon will, and it may take several hours to empty. Once the muscles are relaxed, the body will release whenever it is holding it.
4-Digestion continues to work too
Because the body dies, that does not mean that the millions of bacteria inside it are dead. After death, the bacteria in the digestive system are still working and feeding on the contents of the body.
Friendly bacteria help us with digestion and in turn feed on some nutrients from us, as well as parasitic bacteria that feed on corpses and break down amino acids.
For this reason, the bodies smell foul after death, due to the gases that result from the breakdown of amino acids, known as “putrescine and cadaverine”, which are toxic in large doses.
5-the brain
Once your heart stops beating, your brain may know it's dead. Recent studies have shown that animals experience a spike in brain activity in the minutes after death.
What's more, people in the first stage of death can experience some form of consciousness. For example, according to Live Science, some people whose hearts have stopped can describe what happened to them, once their hearts are working again.
Did you think that lifeless corpses do not move? In fact, it often happens that corpses move, albeit frightening!
After the brain stops working, it takes a while for the nervous system to die, so people may experience spasms or muscle movements.
There is also the process of sclerosis, or hardening of the body after death, which can make the body appear to be "live", as the arms and legs move and stiffen.
Due to the accumulation of excess bacteria in the body after death, the body will accumulate a lot of gases. When the body starts releasing them, there may be sounds emanating from the body's windpipe, and there will definitely be abdominal distension.
8-A severed head can live!
For just a few seconds, the brain suffers a sharp drop in blood pressure in the event of a decapitation caused by the rapid rush of blood and oxygen, which causes the brain to enter a coma for a few seconds before it dies.